We love what we do and are always happy to play a role in building the XR community. We consult, present, demo, and help socialize events that bring people together with tech.
Below are some public events where we're speaking, demonstrating, attending, running booths, moderating, judging, etc.
Let us know if you'll be present too!
For specifics reach out to: events@mxtreality.com or fill out this special events form
October - Mars Conference, ASU
August - Seattle Design Festival
August - StarTrek Convention, LAS
June - BC XR Capstone Event
May - AWE
April - Yuri's Night
April - Yuri's Day
January - CES
Prior speaking/demonstration events include:
The Mars Society Conference
UW (University of WA)
USC (University of Southern California)
VIVE VRVCA - presenting
USA Aerospace & Defense showcase
VRARA Global Summit
NASA Space Apps
Seattle VRAR
Oculus Facebook
MIT - Mission to Mars
FACC-PNW Aerospace
Bellevue College
CES - Consumer Electronics Show